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VR Horticultural Therapy

Horticultural therapy uses VR to provide metal treatment to PTSD patients.


A horticultural therapy uses VR to provide mental treatment to PTSD patients, paper is published in HCII 2021 Conferences.

- Considering 5+ psychological therapy, selected horticultural therapy with high universality and strong interaction, designed the assessing scale and experiment.

- Researching horticultural therapy elements, built four types of 3D gardening scenes and interactable system in unity3D using VRTK Package.

- Use C# and animation system and to realize interactive movements like holding watering can and grabing fruits, so that patients can gain a sense of achievement through taking care of plants.

- Conduct 2 experiments with 30 users, using the SCL-90 and PANAS, after analyzing experiment data verified the scene can reduce the symptoms of patients.


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